This school is a path, a journey, a trip
Hello explorers!
For those of you who have encountered the Red Lodge on your journey and are thinking of embarking on this journey, after almost a year of magical discoveries, I can talk about what this journey has been for me so far….
If you’re expecting a traditional school… it’s not!
If you think you’re entering an ascetic and meditative world… it’s definitely not here!
If you are looking for knowledge, lessons, homework, exams and grades… you will be disappointed!
This school is a path, a journey, a journey to discover yourself in the most natural, welcoming and inclusive way I have experienced.
Here you will find teachings related to nature and its revelatory force, to the energy of the universe that pervades everything, to the elements that represent the basis of knowledge, to the cycle of life that transforms and regenerates.
You will practice respect for everything that exists, for others and for yourselves, because only by learning what it means to express the best part of us, to be the best of who we are, can we discover our talents and our inner strength, fall in love with ourselves and what surrounds us.
On this path you will come into contact with now forgotten ancestral traditions, guided by those who have been walking this path for years, who will leave the right space for personal discovery, so that everyone experiences those revelations that lead to full responsibility for their own choices.
Those who have the curiosity and desire to discover what is more will have the opportunity to be challenged and challenge themselves to open the door to new worlds of knowledge and ultimately understand the meaning of the word gratitude!
Have a good trip!