Open Jump

A two-day workshop to learn about the Red Lodge route at its headquarters in Sasso Marconi (BO).

Open Jump

A two-day workshop to learn about the Red Lodge route at its headquarters in Sasso Marconi (BO).

Open Jump

An opportunity to try our journey

Open Jump is a workshop on how to develop your potential.
It also allows you to get to know the school in concrete terms and directly evaluate the teachings. It is the best way to experience firsthand the experiences offered by the Red Lodge.

The workshop starts on Saturday in the early afternoon and ends before dinner on Sunday. It is a complete seminar, conducted by Walter Alamanni, which allows you to discover what is done in all four years.

The program will guide participants to:

  • discover new tools for understanding reality;
  • use techniques for self-knowledge and self-management;
  • stay in emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and vital balance;
  • choose simple ways to solve complex problems.

A workshop open to all

It is a real workshop, independent of the course, which offers the possibility of enrolling after the first year of the actual training course. Open Jump is open to everyone.

Walter Alamanni hosts

He is a counselor, coach and trainer in the field of personal growth. He founded “Io Sono®, School of Intention, Motivation and Self-Esteem” and wrote “Being God: Coaching for Making Soul”.

He is the second year teacher at Red Lodge.

The beginning of a journey

In this workshop you will begin to come into contact with the knowledge, techniques and ceremonies of this training course.

Begin the training journey